Analytical services
Air Quality
Water Quality
- Physico-Chemical Analysis, Heavy metals and Residual pesticides
- Microbiological Analysis as per IS : 10500-2012
- Water for Drinking, Irrigation, Industrial Use, Construction Purpose, etc.,
- Wastewater Quality as per MoEF&CC, CPCB and SPCB Guidelines
Physical Analysis
- Colour
- Odor
- PH
- Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
- Total Volatile Suspended Solids (TVSS)
- Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Chemical Analysis
- Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
- Bio Chemical Demand (BOD)
- Oil and Grease
- Oil and Grease
- Ammonical Nitrogen
- Total Kjeldhal Nitrogen (TKN)
- Chloride
- Sulphate
- Sulphide
- Phenolic compounds
- Cyanide
- Heavy metal
Microbiological Analysis
- Bio Assay test
Wastewater quality
- Physical analysis
- Chemical analysis
- Bio Assay
- Texture
- Fertility
- Heavy Metals
- Leachate analysis
Mineral analysis
- Limestone
- Bauxite
- Dolomite
- Hematite
- Quartz
Fuel Analysis
- Ultimate
- Proximate
Solid Waste
- Characterisation